The Mahi

Farm Sustainability Coaching

Working alongside we support farmers to find clarity in sustainability, farm planning and support them through adoption of new opportunities on farm.

There is an option to meet everyone’s needs with either our:

  • 12-month Side-by-Side Sustainability Programme
  • 3-month Adoption Support Services
  • 1-month Sustainability Strategy Coaching

We cut through the overwhelm and make sustainability exciting, not just a tick-box exercise!

Let’s celebrate your success and take control back of your sustainability journey unique to your farm.

The Whole Story Agricultural Sustainability Workshops

Extending the impact of our work by inspiring, educating, engaging, and facilitating action towards practical steps that drive positive change with regards to sustainability in agriculture. 

The Whole Story workshop is focused on holistic sustainability in agriculture where attendees will be encouraged to:

  • ensure core foundations are strong from which to build a sustainability plan
  • use a framework to gain clarity around holistic and aspirational sustainability
  • celebrate existing sustainability success
  • pick a goal and create a targeted action plan to achieve sustainable progress.

Farm Audit Ready

We work alongside you with training and support to ensure you are ready for audits (compliance or aspirational). 

Whether it’s FAP, FAP+, GAP, NZ Merino ZQ, NZ Merino ZQ Rx, Fonterra Co-Operative Difference, Synlait Lead with Pride or B Corp Certification we have expertise to help with:

  • Practical On-Farm Recording Systems
  • Farm Mapping
  • Health & Safety Plans
  • Agri-Chemical and Animal Health Inventory Systems
  • Animal Health Plans
  • Winter Grazing Plans
  • Feed Budgets
  • Biosecurity Plans
  • Nutrient Management Plans
  • Biodiversity Mapping
  • Land and Freshwater Plans
  • Emissions Reduction Plans (Scope 1, 2 & 3)
  • Tips & Tricks for Audit Day ease

Farm Discussion Groups & Catchment Group Workshops

Extending the impact of our work by inspiring, educating, engaging, and facilitating action towards practical steps that drive positive change with regards to sustainability in agriculture. 

Our Farm Discussion Groups are groups of 4-5 farms in a similar geographical location where we work through Sustainability using The Whole Story’s unique framework and enjoy the power of working in a group with a common goal.

Our Catchment Group Workshops are a series of facilitated workshops bespoke to the catchment group looking aligned to their sustainability goals and action plan.

Online Agricultural Sustainability Courses


Our first course is “Sustainability & Your Farm” – a self-paced online course to clarify sustainability and give farmers back the autonomy, building a tailored and holistic plan for your farming business.

Keynote Speaking

If you’ve ever listened to our podcast you’ll know that Becks loves Spinning a Good Yarn! 

She is a seasoned public speaker having addressed:

  • New Zealand Veterinary Conference
  • University of the Third Age 
  • E Tipu: The Boma Agri Summit
If you’re looking for an engaging speaker with a positive and optimistic view on Agricultural Sustainability, with a practical farming background, then look no further!

Governance & Leadership

Members of The Whole Story team are represented through various leadership and governance roles within the primary sector. 

We are always on the look out for the next opportunity to make a difference and add value to our sector and with a variety of governance experience and unique skillsets within the team there is sure to be someone who will add a new perspective and value to your leadership or governance team.


Let’s clear things up!

We are passionate about sustainability, agriculture and collaborating to achieve positive change. We want to make it easy and instill pride around your farms’ sustainability story.

No, although the environment is an important part of the sustainability story, it is the interaction between all the goals which make up the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals which make up a holistic sustainability picture.

The UN SDGs are a set of 17 goals which are a global language, enabling us to communicate in a common format to our stakeholders, communities, consumers and fellow farmers.

Social enterprises are purpose-driven organisations that trade to deliver positive social, cultural and environmental impact.

Although based in Otago we are able to travel nationwide to deliver our services, or have the ability to deliver remotely. Where there is a will, there is a way!